How Credit Bureau Customer Service for Fraud Victims Strengthens Credit Union Relationships In...
US Identity Theft Losses Topped $10 Billion in 2023
The number of fraud complaints reported to the FTC and affiliate agencies increased 1.6% in 2023...
Aftermath of Equifax Breach
Equifax offered a 10-year free alert program to everyone registed for the incident. But when...
What happened after becoming a victim of fraud
When I found out I was a victim of fraud, I was scared and had no idea what to do. Since I had...
Victim of Fraud? How to get help
Are you a victim of fraud? Need help? We're here for you. At TheCreditBureau, we understand the...
Freezing Minor Children’s Credit Report
You can freeze your minor children's credit report using the following links. You need to freeze...
The Fair Credit Reporting Act Benefits Credit
The Fair Credit Reporting Act Benefits Credit-Active Consumers The Fair Credit Reporting Act...
Good News_ Healthcare Collection
Nationwide credit reporting agencies TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax are now waiting 365 days...
Company Falsely Claiming to Be Experian
A company claiming to be a partner with Experian is calling and emailing consumers telling them...