Screening & Background Checks

Bakground Checks

Property managers, individual landlords, collection agencies, repossession agents and a variety of industries that need to screen, verify or find a person or asset, use our screening and background check products.

Fico Score

The score predicts the lliklihood that a new or existing account will become delinquent within 24 monthspayment history of applicants for 24 months after scoring

Consumer Credit Profile

screening It is the most common and standard type of report accessed.  Contains information from credit grantors, court and collection agencies regarding the historical loans by the consumer.

Experian Business Credit Reports

Business Profile
Get a comprehensive profile of a company’s credit history detailing payment behavior, public record history, and other pertinent data.

Collection Priority Intelliscore, Commercial Intelliscore and Custom Intelliscore
Intelliscore services use statistical credit risk scoring models to predict the likelihood of a company becoming significantly delinquent.

Industry Trade

Compiles trade payment information contributed by members of an industry trade group into a custom credit report.

Intelliscore Full Backup Report

Use this product to request a Business Profile and/or Business Owner Report from any previously requested Intelliscore report that is no older than three days.

International Profile

Assess financial information of businesses from over 200 countries.

Lease Decision Score

Improve the credit quality of your portfolio by making qualified decisions during the lease origination process and for account management reviews.

Business Owner Profile

Imports consumer credit data on a business owner from Experian Consumer.

Business Profile Summary

Low-cost abbreviated business report designed for quick decisions on low balance/low margin accounts.

Small Business Intelliscore

Intelliscore services use statistical credit risk scoring models to predict the likelihood of a company becoming significantly delinquent. The small business version is ideal for companies with a limited credit history.

UCC Detail Report

Get UCC, Uniform Commercial Code, filings relating to a specific business. This report includes liens between individuals and businesses.

100+ More Searches

2 Credit Bureau Header Search
This Search provides access to credit header records from the credit bureaus and returns current address and telephone information.

Social Search

Find your prospective debtor or verify identity by our powerful social security search

Bankruptcies, Liens and Judgments
Manage risk utilizing this database when granting credit. This database can also be used for fraud detection as well as identity validation. The Bankruptcies, Liens, and Judgments database includes records obtained from the final bankruptcies, liens, and judgments found in court records.

Bankruptcy Search

Provides most current nationwide information for bankruptcy filings on a person or business within just 2 days of a filing and returns trustee, attorney for filer, assets, liabilities, chapter, date of creditors meeting and disposition.

Property Search

Details from a deed or assessor


Motor vehicle search provides ownership of automobiles and verifies what automobiles your prospects own.

UCC Search

This search is a detail for a loan made by a corporation. This includes items used for collateral.