Aftermath of Equifax Breach

We Are Definitely Not Safe!   Five Years has passed from the Equifax Data Breach of 147,000,000 US citizens.   The True Crisis Is The Aftermath and Not The Breach. Equifax offered a 10-year free alert program to everyone registed for the incident. But when people...

What happened after becoming a victim of fraud

 When I found out I was a victim of fraud, I was scared and had no idea what to do. Since I had the Fraud protection program with the credit bureau, I called them, and this is what happened: They were US based and spoke clear English. They told me that my Id...

Victim of Fraud? How to get help

Are you a victim of fraud? Need help? We’re here for you. At TheCreditBureau, we understand the challenges and stress that come with identity theft and financial scams. Our team of experts is ready to assist you.   First thing to do is to register with the...

Freezing Minor Children’s Credit Report

You can freeze your minor children’s credit report using the following links.  You need to freeze with all three bureau.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act Benefits Credit

The Fair Credit Reporting Act Benefits Credit-Active Consumers The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) law went into effect in 1971 and was amended considerably in 1997 by Congress.  The original FCRA protected your rights as a credit-active consumer by limiting who...

Good News_ Healthcare Collection

Nationwide credit reporting agencies TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax are now waiting 365 days from the time you saw your doctor before allowing medical debt to appear on your credit report. Even better news is that your debts on your reports used to stay for 7...